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I take a great interest in the figure in art and below are different portraits I have made of known figures in history and a few are the result of sittings or meetings where I have painted or sketched for the portrait. Auerbach and Scully are two of the world's greatest painters. Senator Norris and Galloway are two interesting politicians.

Repainting or reinterpreting Rembrandt's self portraits for example makes you ask questions about his choices. For example, I am quite sure that the extremely cold weather of the time is a key to the mystery of some of his work. William Blake was a great painter, poet and mystic.

To see the full picture and correct proportions, press each individual image.

Portraits of Sean Scully After Sitting - Pastel on Paper
Reflections on Rembrandt
Exploration of the great William Blake 
Portraits after preparatory sketch meetings and others
Portraits of various known figures - real & fictional 

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