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About James Tunney

I left a successful academic career in law to focus on spiritual and artistic development. Having published plenty of academic articles and reports, consulted internationally, as well as presenting talks on various aspects of globalisation in many countries around the world - I am now writing about Mysticism and Scientism. I have also been painting from my studio in Sweden and exhibited in several countries for more then a decade.

To hear me talk on issues related to my writing, visit New Thinking Allowed, YouTube channel where I have done multiple interviews with Dr Mishlove. All interviews are also listed and linked on the Interview section of this site, including interviews on other channels.

AI-Govnerveance is the most recent addition in my series on Scientism and complements my latest AI books, such as AI-posthumanism and The Mythic Aim of AI.

Orchid I, selfportrait.

The Author & Poet

I have published books on mysticism combined with poetry, a conspiracy novel and a dystopian novel. I am in the process of writing more books and aim to make a series on Mysticism & Consciousness and a series on Scientism.
You can find my books in any Amazon store, both as paperbacks and e-books. My books are all linked to my author page 
If it is not linked to my author page or listed on this website - I did not write it.

My non-academic writing is in a wide range of categories, both fiction and non-fiction but although the range  might appear wide in its scope, they are all linked by two themes. The first is the idea that individuals are primarily spiritual beings that must evolve and be spiritually self-aware of the nature of consciousness. The second issue flowing therefrom is this: the individual must recognise that they are prey to forces which seek to dispirit them and control their consciousness.

All academic articles were, in one way or another, about issues associated with globalisation. For more information see the 'Academic' section.

My books are all united in their concern for the primacy of individual spiritual freedom of the human person and the threat of our destruction and deconstruction by the scientocracy.

For more information, see the 'Book' section on this site or better still, visit the Amazon store.

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Recent Publications


  • AI-Govnerveance: Care and Possession in Dystopia (2024)

  • AI-posthumanism: A Cryptic Soap Opera (2024)

  • The Mythic Aim of AI: Maiming the Mind (2023)

  • Plantation of the Automatons: Rule of an Automaticity Loop (2022)

  • Human Entrance to Transhumanism: Machine Merger and the End of Humanity (2021)

  • TechBondAge: Slavery of the Human Spirit (2021)


  • Empire of Scientism: The Dispiriting Conspiracy and Inevitable Tyranny of Scientocracy (2021)

Mysticism &/or Poetry

  • Mystic Murmuration (2023)

  • The Mystery of the Trapped Light: Mystical Thoughts in the Dark Age of Scientism (2020)

  • The Mystical Accord: Sutras to Suit Our Times, Lines for Spiritual Evolution (2019)


  • Blue Lies September (2019)

  • Ireland I Don't Recognise Who She Is (2019)

Book Chapters

  • 'Strindberg, Konstnärernas Konstnär' Strindbergiana, 34 samlingen. (Ed) Carlander. (2019)


The Painter
My paintings can often be described as expressionistic and are almost always rich in colour. I have a great fascination of the figure in art and have painted many reflective portraits of known figures. To further explore this I have also made a few paintings of known figures, sitting for portraits or preparatory sketches, such as Sean Scully. 

I mostly paint using oil on linen or silk canvases. I sometimes use other materials such as acrylic, pastels, charcoal and gold leaf.

I have a profound interest in art, the history of art and the great European heritage of painting.

I have been painting my whole life. I am convinced that painting harbours a deep inherent power that will overcome the challenges of technology and prevail over contemporary trends. Original art has the capacity to change your surroundings and affect your perspective. 
My art is represented in private collections as far away as New Zealand and coast to coast in the US.

I am selling my art through galleries, fairs, auctions and from my studio. Should you be interested in purchasing or showing any of my work - do not hesitate to get in touch. 

To hear me talk about art, see the interview on Consciousness and Fine Art on New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel.


2021   Galleri Fågel, Beddingestrand.            

2019   Culture Centre Kåken, Gothenburg, Sweden.

2016   Exhibithere, South Bank, London.

2016   The Brick Lane Gallery, the Annex, London.

2015   New Artist Fair, Old Truman Brewery, London.

2015   Brick Lane Gallery, London.


2014   New Artist Fair, Old Truman Brewery, London.

2014   Lillfiket, Gothenburg, Sweden.

2014   New Artist Fair, Candid Art Galleries, London.


2013   Culture Centre Kåken, Gothenburg, Sweden.

2013   Galleri Draken, Stockholm, Sweden.


2012   Romlegården Spring Salong, Malmö, Sweden.

2012   Bookfair, Gothenburg, Sweden.

2012   Gallery Hagman, Stockholm, Sweden.


2011   Art District, Kunst & Håndverk, Lilleström, Norway.

2011   Kronhuset, Konst Göteborg, Gothenburg, Sweden.

2011   Gallery Svea, Stockholm, Sweden.

2011   Kronhuset, Konst Göteborg, Gothenburg, Sweden.

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