Sample of Academic Works
I have an honours degree from Trinity College Dublin. I qualified as a barrister at the Kings Inn Dublin. I then received an LLM from the University of London which involved studying at Queen Mary College and UCL. I taught at Dundee Institute of Technology, Abertay and St Andrews as a lecturer and senior lecturer. I was a Visiting Professor in France, Germany and China.
I have written extensively at the highest academic level. I have been published in internationally refereed journals, books and magazines such as The Economist Intelligence Unit. I have presented in about 30 countries including at the highest legal levels such as with the Chinese Academy of Social Science and the European Academy of Law. My papers have been presented at numerous academic conferences in law and in other disciplines such as political science, heritage studies and travel and tourism.
I was a director of the Scottish University Law Institute and on the Advisory Board of the Juridical Review. I was a member of organisations such as the International Federation of Travel and Tourism lawyers and the British and Irish Legal Educational Technology Association. I worked as an international legal consultant or jurisconsult for international bodies such as the UN Development Program. I have been invited to participate in key discussions by bodies such as the World Heritage Organisation, High Court of Beijing and the Irish Government.
I set up a degree program in European Business law and an Erasmus European network in that domain. I established modules in subjects such as Communications Technology law, EU Competition law, Free Movement, China and World Trade and Intellectual Property law. I was also very interested in culture, heritage and the law with particular emphasis on indigenous rights. These were all part of the process of globalisation. In that context I sought to develop an idea of pragmatic cosmopolitanism.
A Selection of Published Book Chapters, International & Refereed Articles
"The Legal Framework of Airline Competition," Joint Article with John Downes, Travel and Tourism Intelligence, Travel and Tourism Analyst, Economist Intelligence Unit, No 3, 1997.
"The EU, IP, Indigenous People and the Digital Age. Intersecting Circles?" September [1998] European Intellectual Property Review p. 335.
"The Legal and Moral Considerations of Local Communities in Relation to Heritage Sites," in Tourism and Culture and Local Communities, Gadjah Madah Press, Indonesia, 2000.
"Notes on the Reflexive Role of Cyberspace," International Review of Computers, Technology and the Law, June 2000.
"Mabo (1992): The Search for Justice," Published in Leading Cases of the Twentieth Century, Roundhall Press, Dublin, December 2000.
"Is the Emerging Legal Concept Culture the Cuckoo’s Egg in the Competition Law Nest," European Competition Law Review, May 2001.
"The Changing Philosophy of EU Competition Law," Translated into Chinese and published in the Chinese Economic Law Forum Journal, Spring 2001.
"The Neglected Tension between the Disclosure of Information in the Consumer and Competition Law Contexts," Journal of Consumer Policy: Law, Economics and Consumer Policy, 2002.
"Conceptions of Justice in ‘The Field’ ", Dublin University Law Journal, 2002.
"The WTO and Sustainability after Doha." In Barry, Baxter and Dunphy (eds) Europe, Globalization and Sustainable Development, London: Routledge, 2004.
"World Trade Law, Culture, Heritage and Tourism. Towards an Holistic Conceptual Approach." Current Issues in Tourism, 2004.
"The Future of Chinese Competition law", Book Chapter for Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2005.
"A Pragmatic Cosmopolitan Approach to Potential Judicial Development of the Legal
Concept of Culture under Article 81 and 82", Academy of European Law, 2005.
"Competition Law and the Legal Profession: EU lessons for China?" Chinese Competition Law Review, 2006.

Conference Papers
Throughout the years I have given talks and presented numerous papers all over the world.
Most of them are listed here, click
the pencil if you want to read more.